Breakfast Over February Break


Over February break I made breakfast for me and Nora three days in a row. Normally, my dad makes me, Nora, and Lily breakfast, but my dad and Lily were on a trip and my mom wasn't up yet so I was basically the only one in the house who was awake and could make Nora breakfast. Every morning, I would go downstairs at about 7am and I would wait for Nora for about 15 minutes until she came downstairs, if she wasn't already downstairs. Then I would make us breakfast.

The first day I made guacamole and Triscuits with cheese. The second day I forget what Nora had, but I made myself some bread with butter and Nutella. The third day we both had bread with butter and Nutella.

The first day was just because I came downstairs, Nora was playing downstairs, and wanted breakfast. So I just made us some guacamole!

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